Confessions from the SideLines
Sarah L. Cowart is the Founder and Owner of Your Academic Coach, a boutique academic coaching practice for college students based in Auburn, Alabama and State College, Pennsylvania. In the Confessions from the SideLines podcast, Sarah focuses on supporting parents as they navigate the academic challenges their college-bound children encounter. Listen in as she and her guests provide expert insights and actionable tips empowering parents to be effective guides throughout their child's college journey. From practical time management techniques and effective study strategies to stress relief methods and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, "Confessions from the Sidelines" offers a wealth of knowledge to help parents ensure their child's academic success.
Confessions from the SideLines
Philip Shaw | Be Prepared
Today's guest is Philip Shaw. Coach Shaw is currently the Head Athletic Trainer at Ouachita Parish High School in Monroe, LA. He's been a certified athletic trainer since 1994 and has worked in the clinical, secondary, and collegiate setting. While in the collegiate setting, Coach Shaw worked in administration as Associate AD for Internal Operations and oversaw sports medicine, strength/conditioning, football operations, video operations, gameday operations, and all facilities.
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